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Citric Acid Anhydrous

Molecular Structure

2-Hydroxypropane-1, 2,3-tricarboxylic acid

General Info
CAS Number Molecular Formula Classifications H.S. Code
77-92-9 C6H8O7 Citric acid Powder 29181400
Sales Specification
Parameter Specification
Appearance White crystal
Assay 99.5-100.5
Solubility Pass
Residue on Ignition <= 0.1 %
Oxalic Acid <= 0.036 %
Sulfate (SO4) <= 0.015 %
Readily Carbonizable Substances Passes Test
Heavy metals < = 0.002%
Aluminum < = 0.2 ppm
Loss on Drying (105°C) <= 0.5 %
  1. Citric  acid is a useful ingredient in beverages, jams, jellies, candies and frozen foods. It is also added in gelatin and fruit-based desserts as well as in canned vegetables and meat products. Citric acid preserves food and enhances flavor. It is one of the most useful ingredients in the food and beverage industries.
  2. Citrate salts of various metals are used to deliver those minerals in a biologically available form in many dietary supplements. The buffering properties of citrates are used to control pH in household cleaners and pharmaceuticals.
  3. Citric acid's ability to chelate metals makes it useful in soaps and laundry detergents. By chelating the metals in hard water, it lets these cleaners produce foam and work more efficiently without the need for water softening.
  4. Similarly, citric acid is used to regenerate the ion exchange materials used in water softeners by stripping off the accumulated metal ions as citrate complexes.
  5. It is used in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry to passivate high purity process piping in substitution for using nitric acid. Nitric acid is a hazardous disposal issue once it is used for this purpose, while citric acid is not.
  6. Citric acid is recognized as being safe for use in food by all major national and international food regulatory agencies. It is naturally present in almost all forms of life, and excess citric acid is readily metabolized and eliminated from the body.